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Support the Journey to Healing through the Momentum Fund

Recovery doesn't look the same for everyone ... but the journey to healing is always easier with community support.

Our clients' stories remind us that healing is a journey—one filled with ups and downs, but always moving forward with the right support. Every day at Momentum for Health, we walk alongside people like Robert, Tera, and Shea, helping them navigate their unique paths to recovery. But government funding only covers a portion of the cost to run our programs, leaving a critical gap. 

Your generosity to the Momentum Fund allows us to provide whole-person care: mental health and substance use treatment, housing support, employment services, and more. As we approach the end of the year, we invite you to be a part of our clients' journeys. Please consider making a one-time or monthly gift to the Momentum Fund today!

Join us! Support the Journey to Healing

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Momentum for Health is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Robert's Story

When Robert first came to Momentum for Health, he was grappling with more than just the physical challenges of multiple sclerosis (MS). He was also facing the emotional toll it had taken on his life. "Before Momentum, I felt overwhelmed and discouraged," he says. "My disability was dictating my potential." But with support from his case manager and the team at our Downtown Outpatient Program, Robert began a journey that would allow him to rediscover his purpose.

Shea's Story

Six years ago, Shea was "in a world of dysfunction." As a new mom, Shea wanted to be the best she could be for her young son, but generational trauma, addiction, and chaos kept her in a pattern of turmoil that was hard to break free from. When she came to Parisi House on the Hill, a program of Momentum, Shea was able to keep her son with her throughout treatment—something she credits with making all the difference in her recovery. Today, both of them are at peace and thriving. 

Tera's Story

For Tera, the road to recovery has been a non-linear journey. From a young age, Tera struggled with suicidal ideation and self-harm. Eventually, she found herself at a point of deep despair. After surviving a suicide attempt and spending years in a state hospital, Tera arrived at Momentum's Crossroads II program. "Recovery isn't a straight line," she reflects. "But with Momentum’s support, I’ve found my rhythm again." Tera is now making plans for her future—plans she never thought possible.

The Momentum Fund Helps ...

Keep Moms and Children Together

The Momentum Fund supports Parisi House on the Hill, a program of Momentum that helps to break the cycle of addiction for mothers and their children by providing counseling, education, support, child development services and a safe place to live while they rebuild their lives and begin to heal.

Support Unforeseen and Unfunded Needs

The Momentum Fund supports unfunded needs, including toiletries and clothing to our clients and at our drop-in clinics. Twenty percent (20%) of our clients are unhoused or in unstable living conditions. Your support helps our most vulnerable clients remain comfortable and safe, especially as winter approaches.

Provide Supplies for Healing Spaces

The Momentum Fund helps to procure supplies and materials for group sessions, expand our lending library, and provide items (such as gratitude journals, sensory items, and more) for clients’ healing spaces. Art therapy supplies, including paint, brushes, canvas, and other tools are always in need.

Momentum for Health

Make your gift go further this year. Consider a recurring monthly donation.

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